Going to the grocery store in Japan is, at best, an adventure with potential catastrophes lurking down every aisle. How, for example, does one choose soy sauce when there are (I counted) 56 options? I went for the Kikkoman with the red label, but I have no idea how that might be different from the Kikkoman with the green label, the blue label, the gold label (too expensive), or the silver label. I fully understand the importance of brand marketing now that I am reduced to buying the things in the most attractive packing. Do I get the rice with the cute flowers on it or the rice with the funny looking bunny using a mortal and pestle? Obviously the bunny.

On my first venture into the school's mercifully air conditioned library I thought it was probably a fluke that they happened to have every single Beatrix Potter story ever written all bound into adorable mini books. Then I got to the English Preparation Room, discovered more English books and among them was, you guessed it, The Complete Works of Beatrix Potter - now with never before seen drawings! But okay, this has got to just be the work of my predecessor who simply failed to mention her Peter Rabbit fetish, right?
Wrong! A couple of weeks ago, a coworker took me on a recycle shop (think Goodwill/Salvation Army, but not as cheap) tour and what did I see? A Hello Kitty toaster, complete with speech bubble of adorable pink and silver salutations. Did you know that Hello Kitty's birthday is on Novemeber 1st? Or that she weighs as much as an apple? Well, consider yourself enlightened... by a toaster. If I had had the $20 to spend on a toaster, I might have gotten it then and there. But that would have been a mistake.

Photo 2: yes, that is correct. Your eyes are not deceiving you. This is Peter Rabbit mayonaise. No joke.Photo 3: when the culture shock gets too bad: Asian Therapy